Celebrating Female Leadership

Each year during International Women’s Day (IWD), we collectively celebrate women’s achievements and aim to increase visibility, equality and diversity. This year, the 2022 IWD campaign encourages us to actively pledge to #BreakTheBias and catalyse society into one that values diversity to further advance inclusivity and eliminate discrimination.

It's always incredible to see the swell of collective support for IWD each year, but how do we sustain the momentum to create lasting change for the other 364 days until the next annual celebration?

The answer is by redefining female leadership.

We need to set a standard for a new type of leader - one that is able to continuously advocate for equality, diversity and visibility. But also prioritise internal and external personal development to ensure a strong, sustainable leadership foundation.

In order to empower other women, you first need to empower yourself to trust your intuition, discover what is important to you and embrace a multi-dimensional view of leadership. Creating the time and space to unwind and discover your own leadership style will enable you to define the internal and external factors that impact your day to day giving you a 360-degree view on how to tune out, to tune in.

On IWD 2022 - we encourage you to reflect on the following 5 pillars that will reinvent how you show up as a strong, empowered female leader. We deeply believe that these meaningful steps will help you start to shift into leading with your highest potential.

1. Embrace mindful leadership - commit to redefining your boundaries, work toward releasing stress and anxiety and create a more tangible action plan to take your leadership to the next level.

2. Deepen your leadership mindset - take the time to dig deep, retreat more and explore your full potential. How can you let go, bring out the best of yourself and maximise your deepest impact?

3. Investigate the “why’ in your personal brand - view your personal brand in relation to expectations versus reality. Can you get more under the bonnet of your ‘Why’ and consider how this reflects in your leadership style?

4. Cultivate Holistic wellness - Always remember that you can’t lead without looking after yourself. How can you cultivate a deeper understanding of personal nutrition and wellness to ensure that it can be more attainable and sustainable?

5. Celebrate sisterhood - Your support network is everything. Those around you who share in your ambitions, who can be both your champion and challenger. How can you deepen your existing - and find new - partnerships, sisterhoods, communities?

Once you’ve started this reflective leadership journey, we invite you to join us - the women of the Legacy Leadership Collective - for our Tune Out, Tune In retreat on 9 - 13th June 2022. This mindful leadership retreat in Corfu will be guaranteed to be a life shifting experience created by women leaders for women leading the way.

Our intention is to explore ourselves, discuss our challenges, ambitions and to untangle and reinvent. We can’t wait to share stories, share experiences and share laughter with like-minded women over these three transformative days.

Book your ticket today.