The Experience

360 Leadership Retreat

What to expect

You’re invited to join us for Tune Out, Tune in, a mindful leadership retreat guaranteed to be a life shifting experience created by women leaders for women leading the way.

Each day starts with optional exercise and breakfast followed by a 10 minute meditation and 3 - 5 hours of practical guided work with our expert team. 

There will optional activities organised as well as access to the spa with an additional 20% discount that you can schedule in your free time.

 Food and Beverages during scheduled gatherings are all inclusive. 


3 Days/3 Modules

Leadership comes in many different forms. This means creating time and space to unwind and discover what is important to you and your leadership style. That’s why we have put together 3 core areas that will give you that time, that space to create your leadership foundation.

  • Putting Yourself First: The Power of Self-Care With Lynn Blades. Redefining boundaries, releasing stress & anxiety and creating a tangible action plan to take your leadership to the next level.

    Leading Through Menopause w/Karen Mackley. We will help you take the taboo out of menopause while developingyour resilience and confidence to address the menopause -to succeed and thrive

  • In the morning we will uncover your personal brand and how to be more intentional with how you present yourself. Leave energised. Focused. Hosted by DUO Creative Media.

    The Keys to confidence: You will discover and learn to embrace your ‘signature strengths’ as well as practical employment of confidence building techniques to support you onyou’re your professional and personal journey. Hosted by Lynn Blades.

  • Discover the right fuel for your fire. The power of nutrition in the pursuit of mindfulness. Spend time getting to know what your body needs. Hosted by Karen Cummings-Palmer.

    Connecting your energy: Enhance your connection to your energy, foster mindfulness, self-awareness, and wellbeing. You will have the opportunity to rekindle your passion, exercise breathing & meditation techniques, explore somatic awareness and embrace your feminine energy for success. Hosted by Elodie Levasseur.

  • Enjoy some some free time at the resort or schedule some 1:1 time with any of the coaches.

    Your time, your space.


Day 1: Recharge

Putting yourself first with Lynn Blades & Leading through menopause with Karen Mackley

On the first day of the retreat - we start with you.

  • 3-hour session of highly tailored tasks to help you master yourself. Redefining boundaries, releasing stress & anxiety and creating a tangible action plan to take your leadership to the next level.

    Practical skills to Tune out & Tune In.

    Leading through the menopause - We will help you take the taboo out of menopause while developing your resilience and confidence to address the menopause -to succeed and thrive

  • New session: Leading through the menopause.

    We will help you take the taboo out of menopause while developing your resilience and confidence to address the menopause -to succeed and thrive

Day 2: Reinvent

Personal Brand with Lauren Brener & Frances Kehinde and The Keys to confidence with Lynn Blades

On the second day - we look at personal perceptions.

  • What is your why?

    Define your personal brand manifesto

    Vision board exercise

    Personal branding vs. Corporate branding

    Digital presence overview

    How to elevate your Visual identity (professional headshots) / Tone of voice

    Strategic approach to building your presence online

    Exploring the obstacles that hold you back from being confident.

    You will discover and learn to embrace your ‘signature strengths’ as well as practical employment of confidence building techniques to support you onyou’re your professional and personal journey.

  • 1:1 coaching with requested coach

    • Lynn Blades

    • Karen Mackley

    • Karen Cummings-Palmer

Day 3: Realign

Health & Nutrition with Karen Cummings-Palmer & Wellbeing with Elodie Levasseur

Here we look at holistic wellness.

  • Stretch - body and mind

    Essential wellness - tools not rules

    The power of ten – from movement to food prep and rituals to live by

    Redefining comfort food

    The Age Management essentials

    Beauty from the inside out – you really can feed your face

    How to enhance your connection to your energy, foster mindfulness, self-awareness, and wellbeing.

    You will have the opportunity to rekindle your passion, exercise breathing & meditation techniques, explore somatic awareness and embrace your feminine energy for success.

  • 1:1 coaching with requested coach

    • Lynn Blades

    • Karen Mackley

    • DUO

    Time to relax.

Our Venue

The Angsana Resort Corfu

We do things a little differently. We do things in style. Our sessions are all from the comfort of the beautiful Angsana Resort in Corfu. Our program ensures you will have lots of time to relax as well as self explore - all with Corfu as the backdrop for the weekend.


Cost: £3,500 +VAT

(Excluding flights to Corfu and transport to and from the Resort)

What’s included in the price?

  • Your 3 days of expert advice, sessions, 1 to 1s with our team and support is part of the package.

  • A beautiful double room at The Angsana Resort is included as part of the package cost.

  • Breakfast, lunch & dinners are all pre arranged and paid for so that you can take time and enjoy the setting.



Only 12 spaces available.

Whilst we would love to host everyone - we want to make the experience tailored and personal. That’s why there is only a limited amount of spaces available to book. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity and book your spot today.

From our 2022 Cohort

A taster from some of our amazing women from the last retreat.


What happens after you book

We can’t wait to meet and work with you. We want to make the trip as tailored and fun as possible. Once you have booked your spot we will be in contact with you over the weeks leading up to the retreat.

  • You will receive an overview and welcome pack consolidating your booking details, location and what you need to arrange pre travel.

  • We want to make our sessions as tailored as possible to your needs. Nearer the dates we will send out a small questionnaire for you to fill out prior to arriving in Corfu.

  • Just before we meet we will send you an outline of the activities and events in greater detail.


See you in Corfu!